Board Policies

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Policy Number Heading Policy Type
5000 Concepts and Roles BP
5021 Parents BP
5030 School Discipline and Safety BP
5040 Student Nutrition and Physical Activity BP
5040 Student Nutrition and Physical Activity AR
5111 Admission BP
5111 Admission AR
5111 Early Entry to Kindergarten E
5111.2 Part-Time Enrollment BP
5111.2 Part-Time Enrollment Procedures AR
5112.1 Exemptions from Attendance BP
5112.1 Attendance Regulations AR
5112.2 Exclusions from Attendance BP
5112.2 Exclusions From Attendance AR
5112.5 Open / Closed Campus BP
5112.6 Education for Homeless Children and Youths BP
5113 Absences and Excuses BP
5116 School Attendance Boundaries BP
5116 School Attendance Boundaries AR
5119 Children of Military Families BP
5121 Evaluation of Student Achievement BP
5121 Grades / Evaluation of Student Achievement AR
5123 Promotion / Acceleration / Retention BP
5123 Promotion / Acceleration / Retention AR
5124 Communication with Parents / Guardians BP
5125 Student Records BP
5125 Student Records AR
5125 Student Records E
5125.1 Release of Directory Information BP
5125.1 Notice of Student Directory Information E
5125.2 Challenging Student Records BP
5125.3 Withholding Grades, Diploma or Transcripts BP
5126 Awards for Achievement BP
5127 Graduation Ceremonies and Activities BP
5128 Alaska Performance Scholarship Program BP
5128 Alaska Performance Scholarship Program AR
5128 Appeal form for Public School Students E
5131 Conduct BP
5131 Code of Conduct (by category) AR
5131.2 Conduct - Behavior/Gun-Free Schools BP
5131.3 Bus Conduct BP
5131.3 Bus Conduct AR
5131.3 Expectations for student transportation E
5131.4 Campus Disturbances BP
5131.4 Campus Disturbances AR
5131.43 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying BP
5131.43 Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying AR
5131.5 Vandalism, Theft and Graffiti BP
5131.6 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs BP
5131.61 District Sponsored Student Activities Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug, (ATOD) Testing BP
5131.61 District Sponsored Student Activities Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) Testing AR
5131.61 Student Extra-Curricular ATOD Testing E
5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments BP
5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments AR
5131.9 Academic Honesty BP
5132 Dress and Grooming BP
5136 Gangs BP
5137 Positive School Climate BP
5138 Student Personal Electronic Device and Cell Phone Use BP
5139 Student Access to Networked Information Resources and Acceptable Use Philosophy BP
5139 Student Access to Networked Information Resources and Acceptable Use Philosophy AR
5139 User Agreement and Parent Permission Form E
5141 Health Care and Emergencies BP
5141 Health Care - Bed Bugs AR
5141 Health Care - Head Lice AR
5141 Health Care and Emergencies - School Exclusion Guidelines E
5141.21 Administering Medication BP
5141.21 Administering Medication AR
5141.21 ( b) Medications Safety and Security/Medication Errors AR
5141.21 Authorization for Self-Administration of Medication E
5141.22 Infectious Diseases BP
5141.22 Infectious Diseases AR
5141.23 Infectious Disease Prevention BP
5141.23 Infectious Disease Prevention AR
5141.23 Precautions for Infectious Disease Prevention E
5141.24 Medications Safety and Security BP
5141.24 Medications Safety and Security AR
5141.25 Narcan BP
5141.3 Health Examinations BP
5141.31 Immunizations BP
5141.4 Child Abuse and Neglect BP
5141.4 Child Abuse and Neglect AR
5141.41 Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention BP
5141.42 Professional Boundaries of Staff with Students BP
5141.42 Professional Boundaries of Staff with Students AR
5141.51 At-Risk Youths BP
5141.52 Suicide Prevention BP
5142 Safety BP
5142.3 Restraint and Seclusion BP
5144 Discipline BP
5144.1 Suspension and Expulsion BP
5144.1 Suspension & Expulsion: Readmission AR
5145 Rights and Responsibilites AR
5145.11 Questioning and Apprehension BP
5145.12 Search and Seizure BP
5145.12 Search and Seizure AR
5145.15 Student and Family Privacy Right BP
5145.2 Freedom of Speech / Expression BP
5145.2 Freedom of Speech / Expression AR
5145.3 Nondiscrimination BP
5145.3 Notice of Nondiscrimination E
5145.7 Sexual Harassment BP
5147 Dropout Prevention BP