District Sponsored Student Activities Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug, (ATOD) Testing
BP 5131.61
The District has adopted a student Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) testing policy for all district sponsored activities in order (1) to provide for the health and safety of all students, (2) to counteract negative peer pressure by providing a reason to refuse to use ATOD, and (3) to encourage those with ATOD problems to seek help overcoming such problems.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) use is a serious threat to the school system, its students, visitors and employees. Research and experience have demonstrated that even small quantities of ATOD can impair judgment and reflexes, creating unsafe conditions for students, especially those involved in the activities covered by this policy even when the usage may not be readily apparent.
The Board finds that the benefits of the student ATOD testing program and its goals and objectives outweigh the potential inconvenience, and the program encourages the understanding and cooperation of the community, students and parents, particularly those involved in District sponsored student activities, and discourages ATOD use. Participation in such activities is a privilege that will be taken away for failure to comply with this policy and its implementing Administrative Regulation. The Superintendent is to develop regulations consistent with this policy.
Students of this District who are involved in high school and middle school District sponsored student activities shall submit to ATOD testing as outlined in the Administrative Regulation. Students are required to complete an authorization form that allows the District to conduct ATOD testing. Should a student and parent or guardian decline to complete this form, that student will not be allowed to participate in District sponsored student activities until such time as the student’s parent or guardian signs the authorization.
The District shall develop appropriate consequences in the event of a positive test.
(cf. 5131 B Conduct)
(cf. 5131.6B Alcohol & Other Drugs)
(cf. 5144 B Discipline)
(cf. 5145.12B Search & Seizure)
The District shall develop procedures for ATOD testing consistent with applicable legal standards. The District shall also develop procedures regarding the confidentiality of student test results and shall require all persons having access to those results to abide by these procedures.
All students affected by this policy shall be given notice of the policy and of the testing regulations adopted by the District.
Legal Reference:
Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, 515 US 646 (1995)
Board of Education v. Earls, _____ US _____ (2002)
Adoption Date: 8/1/01
Revision Date: 4/23/03
Revision Date: 10/25/06
Revision Date: 2/27/08