Absences and Excuses
BP 5113.00
Absences and Excuses
The School Board believes that regular attendance plays a key role in the success a student achieves in school. The Board recognizes its responsibility under the law to ensure that students attend school regularly. Parents/guardians/custodial adult/grandparet/caretaker of children aged 7 to 16 are obligated to send thier children to public school except as allowed by law. The Superintendent or designee shall abide by all state attendance laws and may use any legal means to correct the problems of excessive absence or truancy.
(cf. 5112.1 - Exemptions from Attendance)
(cf. 5112.2 - Exclusions from Attendance)
(cf AR 5131 – Code of Conduct)
Excused Absences
The Superintendent or designee may excuse student absences for health reasons, family emergencies or other reasons the Superintendent or designee determines constitute good cause.
Student absence for religious instruction or participation in religious exercises away from school property may be excused.
No student excused for religious holiday shall be denied the opportunity to make up a test given on the religious holiday or denied an award or eligibility to compete for an award.
(cf. 6154 - Homework/Makeup Work
(cf. AR 7.02.05 – Exceptional Circumstances)
Unexcused Absences/Truancy
The Board is committed to keeping students in school. Truancy is defined as the absence of a student from class without the knowledge or prior consent of the parent/guardian. The Superintendent or designee shall implement all steps appropriate to reduce student absences and to ensure that all children residing within the district are receiving appropriate educational services as required by law.
Students absent from school for any reason are responsible for the completion of assignments missed because of their absence. Staff and faculty shall not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences when accepting late work or supporting a student who has missed work due to absences. Missing work completed or turned in after the end of the associated grading period may not be accepted for credit or changes in grades.
(cf. 5147 - Dropout Prevention)
(cf. 6164.5 - Student Study Teams)
(cf. 6176 - Weekend/Saturday Classes)
(cf. AR 5131 – Code of Conduct)
(cf. 5121 - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement)
The Superintendent or designee shall report to the Board any apparent violations of compulsory attendance laws. The Board shall investigate such reports and any public complaints of violations of state and/or local compulsory attendance laws.
Legal Reference:
14.03.070 School age
14.17.500 Student count estimates
14.17.160 Student counting periods
14.30.010 When attendance compulsory
14.30.020 Violations
14.30.030 Prevention and reduction of truancy
4 AAC 09.005-4 AAC 09.105 State aid
Revision Date: 1/9/08
Revised: 9/14/2022