Medications Safety and Security/Medication Errors

AR 5141.21 ( b)

STUDENTS                                                                                                      AR 5141. 21 (b)


Medication Administration- MEDICATION ERRORS

PURPOSE: The purpose of the school healthcare program is to appraise, promote and protect  the health of students for success in life. It is the aim of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School  District (KGBSD) Healthcare Services to implement a school healthcare program that reflects the  high standards of care in compliance with federal, state, and professional requirements and  guidelines.  


I. STANDARD: The development of this school healthcare manual represents an effort to provide guidance for the delivery of high quality school healthcare program for KGBSD students and provide consistent protocols for nursing practice and information regarding school healthcare procedures as they pertain to the delivery of school healthcare program. The school healthcare manual is a working tool and guideline to standardize nursing practice throughout the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District


II. PROCEDURE: KGBSD Healthcare Services determines school nurse policy and procedure from the following sources but not limited to: 

A. Alaska Department of Education and Early Development 

B. Alaska State Statutes and Regulations 

C. American Academy of Pediatrics 

D. American Nurses Association 

E. KGBSD Board Policy 

F. KGBSD Labor Contracts 

G. Federal Guidelines Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 

H. National Association of School Nurses (NASN) - The Scope and Standards of Professional School Nursing Practice of the National Association of School Nurses provide direction for school nursing practice and a framework for evaluation. NASN position statements and other publications help clarify and define the role of nurses in the school setting 

I. State Board of Nursing 

J. US Department of Education 

COMPONENTS OF THE SCHOOL HEALTHCARE SERVICES PROGRAM: The School  Healthcare Program includes the following elements based on NASN Framework for 21st  Century 

and the CDC, Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model (WSCC)

B. Care coordination 

C. Leadership 

D. Quality Improvement 

E. Community/Public health 



Evaluation of the school healthcare program is an ongoing process. Healthcare  Services considers the above components list in a comprehensive evaluation and  delivery of a school healthcare services program. Assessment tools may include  analysis of data (i.e. documentation, student visits, health immunization records,  follow-up on referrals); review of accident injury reports; review of local procedures  and policies to determine effectiveness; and surveys of students, parents, staff, and  community members. 

Amends/Rescinds: Amends  

Cross References:  

Legal References: Alaska State Statutes and Regulations, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation  Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education  Act (IDEA), Labor Contract, Alaska Board of Nursing 




Adopted 1/20/23
