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Acceptable Use and Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents and Students


The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District schools have access to the Internet through its own network.  This access is used for many academic purposes including, but not limited to, communication, research, and educational activities.  Students will be allowed to access the Internet with teacher supervision.

Student safety on the Internet is an extremely important matter for the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District.  In addition to teacher supervision, the district protects children from harmful content available on the Internet by adhering to the requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, O.L. 106-554.

The Board may make changes to this form and to the policy when the law or common practice deems it necessary, or by the recommendation of the District Computer Technical Staff. The District will attempt to notify you of any such changes; however you can find the most up to date version of the acceptable use policy online at:; and following the following links: School Board/Board Policies/6000 Instruction/ BP  6161.4.


  1. Students will abide by the policies and procedures of any networks to which they have access through the Internet.

  2. Internet access is limited to only those acceptable uses as detailed in the district’s Internet policy.  Expectations of students using the school district’s network include:
    1. Applying the same privacy, ethical, and educational considerations used in other forms of communication
    2. following directions of the adult in charge
    3. respect of all copyright and LICEnse agreements
    4. respect of other computer network users
    5. proper citation of quotes, references, and sources
    6. responsibility for any unauthorized charges or fees resulting from access to the Internet
    7. responsibility for immediately notifying a teacher or administrator if he/she receives threatening or unwelcome communications.

  3. Activities prohibited while on the school district’s network include:
    1. causing or contributing to the damage or modification of computer hardware, software, or data
    2. intentionally wasting limited resources (such as bandwidth, time on a computer)
    3. accessing, displaying, or sending written or graphic information which is obscene, inflammatory, derogatory, or offensive
    4. accessing and/or using others’ work, folders, files, or passwords without permission
    5. using the network for commercial purposes, financial gain, or fraud
    6. giving personal information of self or others (such as first and last name, physical address including street name and name of city or town, email address, phone number, social security number, and identifiable image) without a teacher’s permission
    7. harassing, insulting, or attacking others
    8. facilitating illegal activity

Access to the computer network of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District is a privilege, not a right.  Consequences for inappropriate use may include loss of computer access and/or other disciplinary actions.  When appropriate, law enforcement agencies may be involved.  Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to the network on the following terms:

  1. First offense may result in a 2-week suspension from all computer activities

  2. Second offense may result in a 9-week suspension from all computer activities

  3. Third offense may result in a year-long suspension from all computer activities

  4. An offense which threatens the safety or welfare of others or jeopardizes the network system may result in immediate suspension from all computer activities for a period of time determined by the District Superintendent.

Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that users are using the system responsibly.  Users should not expect that files stored on network servers will ever be private.  The School District reserves the right to inspect and review computer files of any computer currently accessing the KGBSD computer network, either district-owned or personally-owned.  Such inspection may be conducted by school authorities without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.

The district is not responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable while using the district’s computer network.


Students enrolled in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District have exciting and enriching opportunities which take advantage of current technology in order to prepare them adequately for future opportunities.  As part of your son’s/daughter’s educational program, (s)he will have the opportunity to publish documents and participate in projects on the World Wide Web.  These documents might include, but are not limited to, their writing, artwork, collaborative projects with other students locally or internationally, individual projects or reports, group photographs of an activity or club, or an individual photograph. 

In no case will a child’s phone number or street address or box number be published.  Neither will a document indicate a child’s physical location other than attendance at a particular school or participation in school activities.  Published documents will conform to school board policies.  Additionally, documents to be published on the World Wide Web must be approved by a referring teacher before publication.


Student User Agreement:

As a user of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District computer network, I agree to follow the Ketchikan School Board policy for acceptable Internet and computer use.  I understand that if I break the rules, I may no longer be allowed to use a computer in school.  I understand that, if I may not use a computer in school, I may not be able to participate in all of the learning activities my teacher has planned for the class, which includes using Compass Learning Odyssey and Accelerated Reader.

Student Signature:                                                            Grade:

Parent/Guardian Permission:
As the parent or legal guardian of the minor student named above, I grant permission for my son or daughter to access Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District’s network computer services.  I understand that individuals and families may be held liable for violations of the above stated policy.  I understand that some materials on the Internet may be objectionable, but I accept responsibility for setting and conveying standards for my son or daughter to follow while selecting, sharing, or exploring information and media available on the computer network.  I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the school in writing if I wish to change the computer network access permission I am now granting.  I understand that my child’s teacher may use the computer network and Internet for lessons (ex: Compass Learning Odyssey, Carnegie, READ180) as well as assessment (ex: STAR Reading and Math, Accelerated Reader, READ180), and if I don’t give Internet permission for my child, he or she will not be able to complete the planned activities.

Please initial each line below to indicate your permission for the request:

I grant permission for my child to access the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District network.

I grant permission to publish documents on the World Wide Web as previously described, including my child’s:

__________First Name

__________Last Name              




I grant permission to acknowledge, announce, and/or publicize in the media any of the following that my child might earn or create:

Academic Award
Scholastic Recognition
Academic Project
Honor Roll Achievement


Parent/Guardian Signature:                                              Date:

Revision Date:  7/9/08