Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Notice to Employees

E 4020.00

All Personnel

Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
Notice to Employees

Note:  Although the passage AS 17.38 authorizes the use of marijuana under certain conditions, it explicitly recognizes the authority of employers to prohibit the use, consumption, possession, transfer, display, transportation, sale, or growing of marijuana in the workplace.  Additionally, AS 17.38 does not prevent employers from establishing policies that restrict the use of marijuana by employees.  AS 17.38.120(a).  Further, as a recipient of federal funds, the district is obligated to maintain a drug-free workplace consistent with federal law, which prohibits the manufacture, sale, distribution, or possession of marijuana.  For purposes of the district’s policy and legal obligation, marijuana is prohibited. 

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that it is a violation of Board policy for any employee to unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or be under the influence of any illegal drug or controlled substance as defined in the Controlled Substances Act and Code of Federal Regulations. No employee shall be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, marijuana, illegal drug or use a controlled substance unlawfully during school hours at school or in any other school district workplace or at any district sponsored activity.

"School district workplace" is defined as any place where school district work is performed, including a school building or other school premises; any school-owned or school-approved vehicle used to transport students or employees to and from school or school activities; any off-school sites when accommodating a school-sponsored or school-approved activity or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under district jurisdiction; or during any period of time when an employee is supervising students on behalf of the district or otherwise engaged in district business.

As a condition of your continued employment with the district, you will comply with the district's policy on Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace and will, any time you are convicted of any criminal drug or alcohol statute violation occurring in the workplace, notify your supervisor of this conviction no later than five days after such conviction.

Note:  Upon notification of a violation, the district must either (1) take appropriate personnel action against the employee, "up to and including termination," or (2) require the employee to satisfactorily participate in an abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.

Note:  The names, addresses and telephone numbers of drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation programs and/or employee assistance programs available locally to employees may be included in this notice or provided to employees in a separate statement.  In addition, information about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse may be included in this notice or the district may distribute materials obtained from state, local or national anti-abuse organizations to its employees.

Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date: 8/12/2015