Bomb Threats

AR 6114.20


Receiving Threats

Anyone answering a telephoned bomb threat shall try to keep the caller on the line and get answers to the following questions:

  1. When is the bomb scheduled to go off?

  2. Where is the bomb located?

  3. What kind of bomb is it?

  4. Who placed the bomb?

  5. How do you know about the bomb?

  6. What is your name and address?

The person who receives the call should also try to determine the caller's sex, age, and distinctive features of voice or speech and should take note of background noises such as music, traffic, machinery or other voices.

Anyone who receives a written bomb threat shall place it in an envelope and note where and by whom it was found.

Any employee or student who receives a bomb threat shall immediately report the threat to the principal or designee.


Upon perceiving that a danger may exist, the principal or designee shall:

  1.  Immediately use fire drill signals to evacuate threatened areas.

    1. Students and staff shall follow standard fire drill procedures.

    2. Teachers shall take roll at their assigned areas and immediately report any absences to the principal or designee.

    3. Teachers shall remain with their classes, well away from the school buildings, until relieved.

  2. Immediately turn off any two-way radio equipment which is located in a threatened building.

  3. Immediately inform law enforcement authorities, the fire department, and the Superintendent or designee.

Law enforcement and/or fire department staff shall conduct the bomb search.  School police officers may assist in this search.  No other school staff shall search for or handle any explosive or incendiary device.

Except for school police officers, no staff or students shall reenter the threatened building(s) until the law enforcement and/or fire department staff advises the principal or designee that reentry is safe.

Within 24 hours, the principal or designee shall send the Superintendent or designee a complete report of the incident, identifying the person who received the threat and the grounds for believing the danger to be real.

The Superintendent or designee shall make every effort to identify individuals who make bomb threats and have them prosecuted.  Students who make such threats shall be disciplined accordingly.

(cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion)
(cf. 6114 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan)



Adoption Date:  10/13/99


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