Sick Leave

AR 4261.20


1.      Leave Available – Paid leave is available to eligible employees who are sick and unable to report to work.  Sick leave shall be interpreted to mean leave for personal incapacitation or serious illness in the employee’s immediate family which may require absence from work.

2.      Notification – Employees must notify their immediate supervisor of a need for leave before the beginning of the shift or workday.  Leave forms must be completed promptly upon return to work.

3.      Appointments – Sick leave may be used for scheduled and confirmed appointments with health care professionals.  Advance notice to the supervisor is expected, and leave request forms should be submitted prior to the absence.

4.      Physician’s Certificate – When an illness causes the employee to be absent in excess of 3 working days, the District will require a certificate from a physician indicating the need for such extended leave. 

5.      Accumulated Leave – Sick leave may be accumulated from year to year.  There is no limit to the number of sick leave days that can be accumulated.

6.      No Cash Value – Accrued sick leave has no cash value.  It may be used only for legitimate illness or incapacitation.

7.      Eligible Employees – All permanent full time or half-time employees who do not receive paid time off are eligible for sick leave.

8.      Not Eligible – Part-time employees or other temporary workers are not eligible for sick leave.

9.      Termination – Employees who terminate shall forfeit all accrued sick leave.  Breaks in service of less than four (4) months or approved leave of absences shall not be considered a termination with respect to this paragraph.  Employees who are involuntarily laid off may retain their accrued sick leave for up to 15 months.


Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date:  6/09/2010


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