Title 1 Programs

BP 6171.00


Note:  Public Law 100-297 mandates districts which receive funds for Title I programs to have a policy on parental participation and a policy ensuring equal provision of staff and materials among schools.   The following sample policy may be revised or deleted as appropriate.


Title I programs shall provide identified students with supplementary services designed to instruct them in the district's core curriculum and improve their achievement in basic and advanced skills.  The district shall provide these services, including remediation in reading, language and/or mathematics, on the basis of individual student needs identified annually and assessed with objective educational criteria.

When evaluating the effectiveness of Title I programs, staff shall assess individual student achievements and determine whether these students' improved performance has continued over a period of more than 12 months.  Services shall be modified for students who do not make substantial progress.

(cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)

The parents/guardians of children enrolled in Title I programs shall be involved in planning, designing and implementing these programs in a systematic, ongoing, informed and timely fashion.  They shall have regular opportunities to make recommendations on the educational needs of their children and on ways in which they can help their children benefit from the programs.  All such recommendations shall receive timely responses.

Through consultation with parents/guardians, the district shall annually assess the effectiveness of parental involvement programs and determine what action needs to be taken, if any, to increase parental participation.

The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures which ensure that the district provides all qualifying district schools with the same level of base funding, per student, for staff services, curriculum materials and instructional supplies.  At the beginning of each school year, the ratio of students to teachers and auxiliary staff shall vary as little as possible from school to school.  The Superintendent or designee shall maintain annual records to document this ratio and to indicate the quantity and quality of books and equipment at each school.

(cf. 6000 - Concepts and Roles)

Legal Reference:

Public Law 100-297, 1016-1021


Adoption Date:  10/13/99


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