Superintendent of Schools
AR 2122.00
To carry out their responsibilities, the Board delegates commensurate authority to the Superintendent as follows:
The superintendent:
1. shall carry out the goals of the District as determined by the Board annually.
2. shall attend all the meetings of the Board except when his own efficiency and salary are under consideration.
3. shall make recommendations to the Board, and otherwise advise the members regarding issues presented for deliberation. As the need arises, they shall propose new policies to the Board for adoption.
4. shall prepare rules and regulations interpreting School Board policies and be responsible for their enforcement.
5. shall submit an annual budget for the Board's approval and after its adoption shall direct the expenditures and prepare adequate and accurate financial reports of them.
6. shall acquaint the public with the activities and needs of the schools.
7. shall provide a leadership role with the staff and community to effect the advancement of the educational program.
8. shall be responsible for selecting, appointing, evaluating and otherwise controlling all school employees, both certified and classified employees, subject to the approval of the Board. They shall be responsible for the preparation and maintenance of a comprehensive, coordinated set of job descriptions for all administrative and supervisory personnel.
9. shall develop a system of regularly reporting to the Board on all aspects of the school program.
10. shall be responsible for plans for new school facilities.
11. shall submit a proposal for the school calendar to the Board.
12. shall recommend to the Board new courses of study and suggest improvements in the curriculum as is expedient after consultation with building principals.
13. shall be responsible for in-service training programs for the school staff.
14. shall be generally responsible, through the principals, for assigning and scheduling pupils within their school unit.
15. shall perform such other duties as the Board may require and in the absence of specific policies, shall assume or perform any duty which may seem necessary and may, in case of emergency, suspend any policies pertaining to the administration of the schools. They shall report such action to the Board at their following meeting.
All official relationships between the Board and other administrators, teachers and classified staff are through the Superintendent of schools.
(cf. 4115- Evaluation/Supervisor)
(cf. 4215- Evaluation/Supervisor)
(cf. 4315- Evaluation/Supervisor)
Legal Reference:
14.20.149 Employee Evaluation
Adoption Date: 10/13/99