Access to District Records
AR 1340.00
Any person may have access to and receive a copy of any identifiable public record. Requests for district records shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee. District records shall be examined in the presence of the staff member regularly responsible for their maintenance and security or his/her designee.
Public records include any writings and records except:
1. records of vital statistics and adoption proceedings which shall be treated in the manner required by AS 18.50. (AS 40.25.120-220)
2. records pertaining to juveniles. (AS 40.25.120-.220)
3. medical and related public health records. (AS 40.25.120-220)
4. records required to be kept confidential by a federal law or regulation or by state law, including but not limited to: (AS 40.25.120-220)
a. Personnel evaluation records (4 AAC 19.040 and AS 14.20.149).
b. Education records of students containing personally identifiable information. (20 U.S.C. 1232g)
c. Records regarding ongoing negotiations on a pending collective bargaining agreement, disclosure of which would impair the district’s bargaining position. However, initial proposals, last-best-offer proposals, tentative agreements before ratification, and final agreements are all public documents which must be made available for inspection. (AS 23.40.235)
d. Records of contemplated purchase, lease, or acquisition of real property, or other property or services where release would impair the district’s ability to obtain favorable terms in the transaction, or where the disclosure would provide the potential seller with an unfair competitive advantage.
e. Information obtained by the district’s insurance carriers and their attorneys and agents regarding potential or pending claims against the district.
f. Any document otherwise subject to disclosure if the person requesting the information in litigation with the district in a judicial or administrative forum. Disclosure of any records relevant to that litigation, or reasonable likely to lead to the discovery of relevant evidence, shall be governed by the applicable court or administrative rules. (AS 40.25.122; AMC 3.90.040)
g. Records of personnel grievances and complaints involving employees or students of the district and records of disciplinary proceedings and actions taken against employees or students of the district.
5. records compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only if disclosure would interfere with enforcement proceedings, would deprive a person of a fair trial, would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy, would disclose a confidential source, would disclose confidential techniques or law enforcement guidelines, or would endanger life or physical safety. (AS 40.25.120-220)
6. library records, names, addresses, or other personal identifying information contained in school library records, except as requested by the parent/guardian. (AS 40.25.120-.220)
When authorized, an exact copy of any identifiable public record shall be provided upon request unless it is impracticable to do so. Computer data shall be provided in a form determined by the Superintendent or designee. Copies shall be furnished at cost as determined by the Superintendent or designee.
As soon as possible upon receiving any request for a copy of records, the Superintendent or designee shall determine whether to comply with the request and shall inform the person making the request of his/her determination and the reasons for it. Any notification denying a request for public records shall state the reason for the denial and to whom the decision may be appealed.
(cf. 1312 – Complaints Concerning the Schools)
Revision Date: 8/28/02