Food Service

AR 3550.00



Student meals and beverage selections are to be administered and supervised by trained and qualified food persons who can oversee and monitor the implementation of the nutritional guidelines set by the USDA and the National School Lunch Program.

Local Meal Charge Policies

The district is required to provide a meal to children who are participating at the reduced or paid rate, but either do not have money in their account or in hand to cover the cost of the meal at the time of service.

Students and Meal Service

1.  Students will be allowed to receive and charge a meal regardless of an accrued lunch balance. 

2.  All students will have access to a school lunch from the meal options offered at the point of service. 

Parents/Guardians - Unpaid Meal Balances

1.  The building administrator or designee will be responsible for collecting unpaid meal balances. 

2.  An automated email will go out as soon as a student's account is down to one meal remaining. Once a student has a negative balance of two meals, a letter will be sent home with the student. Once a student has a negative balance of three meals a call home will be made by the building administrator or designee. 

3.  Free and reduced meal applications will be available for parents/guardians to complete and turn in to the district at any point during the school year. Parents/guardians of students with unpaid meal balances will be encouraged to fill out another free/reduced lunch application.

4.  Administrators are encouraged to develop incentives for parents/guardians to reconcile their unpaid meal charges. New incentives will require prior authorization from the Superintendent.


Policy Communication

1.  The unpaid meal poilcy will be available on the district website and on each of the individual school websites.

2.  The unpaid meal policy will be part of the student enrollment packet. 

3.  The unpaid meal policy will be sent home with students along with the free/reduced lunch applications. 


Adoption Date:  8/26/2015
Revision Date:  6/14/2017
