Family Life / Sex Education

BP 6142.10

Family Life/Sex Education

The School Board believes that a well-planned sequence of instruction about family life and human sexuality is essential to the general education of all students.  The district curriculum shall help students understand the biological, psychological, social, moral, and ethical aspects of human sexuality. 

(cf. 5141.41 – Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention)
(cf. 6020 – Parent Involvement)
(cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation)
(cf. 6142.2 – AIDS Instruction)

Classes or programs in sex education, human reproduction education, or human sexuality education may only be instructed by a certificated teacher employed by or contracted with the district, or by an individual approved by the School Board who is supervised by a certificated teacher of the district. Teachers who provide instruction in family life/sex education may request professional preparation, either preservice or inservice, in the subject area.

Before curriculum, literature, or materials related to sex education, human reproduction education, or human sexuality education may be used in a class or distributed in a school, the materials shall be approved by the School Board and made available for parents to review.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that family life/sex education materials and instruction are continuously evaluated in light of information received from students, parents/guardians, and teachers, including information about what students did or did not learn, whether the program was workable for the teachers, and how it can be improved.

(cf. 1220 - Advisory Committees)

Parents/guardians shall be notified in writing at least two weeks before students are offered any instruction, description, illustration, or discussion on human reproduction or sexual matters, including human reproductive organs and their functions, processes, or diseases.  This notification shall inform parents/guardians that they may review instructional materials to be used in family life, sex education instruction, may review the credentials of any presenter who is not a certificated teacher of the district, and that they may request in writing that their child not attend the class.  At the parent/guardian's request, any student may be excused from any part of family life/sex education instruction, except for awareness and prevention training provided to students concerning sexual assault, sexual abuse, and dating violence and abuse. 

(cf. 1312.2 – Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials)
(cf. 6020 – Parent Involvement)

Legal Reference:

14.30.016  A parent’s right to direct the education of the parent’s child
14.30.361  Sex education, human reproductive education, and human sexuality education
14.30.355  Sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention
14.30.356  Dating violence and abuse policy, training, awareness, prevention, and notices
14.30.360  Curriculum

Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 7906 as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (P.L. 114-95 December 10, 2015)

Revision Date:  8/13/08
Revision Date: 12/14/2016
