Standardized Testing
BP 6162.50
Standardized tests measure student performance related to state or national norms and measure the most commonly tested basic skills. Standardized tests also measure the effectiveness of district curriculum and programs as they relate to the information tested. The district shall evaluate the district-wide performance as it relates to the student results.
The Board believes that many types of evaluation, other than standardized tests, are necessary to determine the progress of students and the value of district programs. Such tests may not always take racial, cultural or sexual differences into account.
The district shall administer all tests required by state law and may choose to test with varied additional materials and grade levels. When district test scores are published, the Superintendent or designee shall provide supplementary information to interpret the results.
Note: In 1984, the U.S. Court of Appeals (Larry P. v. Riles) ruled that IQ tests are culturally biased against black children and that the use of such tests as the sole criteria for placing a black child in an educable mentally retarded class is discriminatory and violates federal statutes. Alternatives for assessing these children should include the child's personal history and development, adaptive behavior, classroom performance and academic achievement. |
(cf. 6162.8 - Research)
Legal Reference:
14.03.110 Questionnaires and surveys administered in public schools
4 AAC 05.080 School curriculum and personnel
4 AAC 06.700-4 AAC 06.790 Statewide student assessment
Larry P. v. Riles, 793 F. 2d 969 (9th Cir. 1984)
Adoption Date: 10/13/99