Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan
AR 6114.00
Note: Each district, and every school within the district, is required to have in place a crisis response plan. AS 14.33.100. AS 14.03.140 requires monthly emergency drills, such drills should be geared to the types of emergencies likely to be experienced. AS 14.33.100 annual employee training in crisis response, including evacuation and lock down drills. New employees must be trained within his or her first two years of employment. Ongoing training must be in compliance with BP 4131 – Staff Development. |
Principals and site administrators shall hold emergency drills at least once a month, weather permitting. (AS 14.03.140)
The district disaster response plan shall be available to staff, students and the public in the office of the Superintendent or designee and in the office of each principal. Individual building crisis plans shall be provided to each teacher and shall be available for public inspection at the principal's office. The principal shall make certain that students and staff are familiar with the plan and shall periodically conduct preparedness drills to ensure effective behavior in the event of an actual emergency or disaster.
The crisis response team for each school shall meet each year to review the crisis response plan and recommend changes and/or improvements.
- Principal
The principal or designee may assume overall direction of disaster procedures. Each principal shall prepare written disaster plans for his/her school and present a copy to the Superintendent or designee.
The principal shall:
- Direct evacuation of buildings, using fire signals and procedures as required for fire, threatened explosion, or following cessation of earthquake tremors, and will develop a signal system in case of power failure.
- Arrange for transfer of students when their safety is threatened by floods or approaching fires.
- Issue orders to teachers if children are to assemble in preselected safer areas within the school.
- Schedule monthly fire drills and keep appropriate records.
- Use discretionary judgment in emergencies which do not permit execution of prearranged plans.
- Inform the Superintendent or designee of all emergency actions taken as soon as possible.
- Post directions for fire drills and civil defense drills in classrooms, multipurpose rooms, etc.
- Direct evacuation of buildings, using fire signals and procedures as required for fire, threatened explosion, or following cessation of earthquake tremors, and will develop a signal system in case of power failure.
- Teachers
Teachers shall be responsible for supervision of students in their charge.
Teachers shall:
- Direct evacuation of students in their charge to inside or outside assembly areas in accordance with signals, warning written notification, or intercom orders.
- Give the DROP command during an earthquake.
- Take roll when the class is relocated in an outside or inside assembly area or at another location.
- Report missing students to the principal or designee.
- Send students in need of first aid to the school nurse or person trained in first aid.
- Direct evacuation of students in their charge to inside or outside assembly areas in accordance with signals, warning written notification, or intercom orders.
- Custodian/Maintenance Personnel
Custodians/maintenance personnel are responsible for the use of emergency equipment, the handling of supplies and the use of available utilities.
Custodians/maintenance personnel shall:
- Survey and report damage to the principal.
- Direct rescue operations as required.
- Direct fire fighting efforts until regular fire fighting personnel take over.
- Control main shutoff valves for gas, water and electricity and ascertain that no hazard results from broken gas, water mains or fallen electrical lines.
- Disburse supplies and equipment as needed.
- Conserve usable water supplies.
- Survey and report damage to the principal.
- The school secretary shall:
- Report a fire or disaster to the appropriate authorities.
- Assist the principal as needed.
- Provide for the safety of essential school records and documents.
- Report a fire or disaster to the appropriate authorities.
- The secretarial staff shall man telephones, monitor radio emergency broadcasts, assist the school nurse as needed, and act as messengers and carriers when so directed.
- The school nurse shall:
- Administer first aid.
- Supervise the administration of first aid.
- Organize first aid and medical supplies.
- Administer first aid.
Adoption Date: 10/13/99
Revision Date: 02/08/2017