Public Complaints Concerning School Personnel
AR 1312.10
Note: The following optional regulation may be revised or deleted in light of district needs and collective bargaining obligations. |
In order to promote fair and constructive communication, the following procedures shall govern the resolution of complaints. Every effort should be made to resolve a complaint at the earliest possible stage. Complaints concerning school personnel should be made directly by the complainant to the person against whom the complaint is lodged. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attempt to orally resolve concerns with the staff member personally.
All written complaints regarding district personnel other than administrators shall be initially filed with the principal or immediate supervisor. If the complaint regards a principal or central office administrator, the written complaint shall be initially filed with the Superintendent or designee. If the written complaint concerns the Superintendent or designee, it shall be initially filed with the Board. If the complaint is also against the district, the principal or designee shall provide a copy of the complaint to the district compliance officer so that appropriate procedures may be followed
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally by the persons involved, the complainant may submit the complaint in writing to the school principal or immediate supervisor. When necessary, the district shall assist in the preparation of the written complaint so as to meet the requirements of this regulation. The administrative staff shall inform the complainant that such assistance is available if he/she is unable to prepare the written complaint without help. A written complaint must include the name of each employee involved and a brief but specific summary of the complaint and the facts surrounding it. It must also include a specific description of a prior attempt to discuss the complaint with the employee involved and the failure to resolve the matter. (See Exhibit Form)
The principal or immediate supervisor shall investigate and attempt to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the person(s) involved. If the complaint is resolved, the principal will so advise all concerned parties, including the Superintendent or designee in writing.
If the complaint remains unresolved after review by the principal or the immediate supervisor, the principal shall refer the written complaint, together with a report and analysis of the situation, to the Superintendent or designee. Complainants should consider and accept the Superintendent or designee’s decision as final.
However, the complainant, the employee, or the Superintendent or designee may ask to address the School Board regarding the complaint.
Except when a complaint is directed against the Superintendent or designee, no party to a complaint may address the School Board, either in closed or open session, until the School Board has received the Superintendent or designee's written report concerning the complaint.
Complaints before the Board concerning an employee that may tend to be prejudicial to the employee’s reputation or character shall be addressed in executive session of the School Board. All parties to a complaint, including the school administration, may be asked to attend a School Board meeting or part of such meeting for the purpose of presenting all available evidence and allowing every opportunity for explaining and clarifying the issue. The decision of the School Board following the hearing shall be final.
(cf. 9321 – Executive Sessions)
Note: The district should make sure that complaints heard in executive session are indeed complaints against an employee, not against district practice or procedures. |
Adoption Date: 10/13/99
Revision Date: 8/14/2019