Participation in Community Life

BP 1311.00



The Board believes the school and community should work as a unified whole in the process of educating students enrolled in the District. Understanding community values and priorities are important to the ongoing success of the educational program. Staff members should be mindful of community values in their contacts with the community.

(cf. 5137- Positive School Climate)

(cf. 6141.2- Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs)

(cf. 6141.3– Culturally Responsive Education)

The quality of a school program is related to staff understanding of local culture and traditions, parents’ wishes for their children, and public understanding of the District’s goals and methods for education. Strong school-community relationships require cooperative development and maintenance of efficient two-way channels of communication between the school and the community. This communication should be fostered through dialogue, input, and feedback.

District communications with the public should meet the following goals:

(1) inform the public about the work of the schools;

(2) improve the partnership of parents and teachers in meeting the educational needs of students;

(3) develop awareness of the importance of culture in education;

(4) integrate the home, school, and community in improving educational opportunities;

(5) clarify the aims, objectives, and work of the school;

(6) make school facilities and personnel available for community use, within limits set by the Board; and

(7) make use of community resources in carrying out the educational program.

(cf. 5124–Communication with Parents/Guardians)

The School Board encourages affiliation of school personnel with community organizations having missions consistent with that of the District, and encourages participation of school staff in appropriate community activities and projects.

(cf. 6145.5– Organizations/Associations)

Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District

Adoption Date: 3/27/2024
