Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
BP 6161.10
The Ketchikan Gateway School District believes that a District-wide K-12 sequential program of studies, which builds on and integrates previously acquired knowledge, is fundamental in all curricular areas. The School Board believes that instructional materials should be selected and evaluated with great care so that they are educationally sound and unbiased. Instructional materials should support the adopted courses of study and meet current curricular goals. Taken as a whole, district instructional materials should present a broad spectrum of knowledge and viewpoints, reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of our society, and enhance the use of multiple teaching strategies and technologies so as to improve academic results of student learning. To this end, the Board shall adopt District-wide materials to support the written, taught, and tested curriculum. The Superintendent or designee shall insure the implementation of these materials District-wide.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures by which new instructional materials may be requested and subsequently evaluated, together with existing materials. The review of instructional materials shall be coordinated with the overall development and evaluation of the district's curriculum. Teachers, students, parents/guardians and community members shall have the opportunity to recommend instructional materials. The district shall provide training for certificated personnel in the recognition of sex-biased materials.
(cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation)
The Superintendent or designee shall establish instructional material evaluation committees. These committees may include teachers, administrators and other staff who have subject-matter expertise, as well as parents/guardians and/or community members broadly representative of the district's ethnic and socioeconomic composition. Staff members who participate in selecting and/or evaluating instructional materials shall be those most competent for the task because of their professional training, experience and assignments. The majority of each evaluation committee's membership shall be teachers.
Individuals who participate in selecting and evaluating instructional materials shall have no financial interest in the materials being reviewed, recommended, or approved.
(cf. 3315 - Relations with Vendors)
(cf. 9270 - Conflict of Interest)
Recommendations for the adoption and/or withdrawal of instructional materials shall be presented to the Board by the Superintendent or designee and shall include documentation supporting the recommendation. All recommended materials shall be displayed and available for public inspection.
(cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials)
(cf. 3270 - Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies)
Legal Reference:
11.56.100-11.56.130 Bribery and related offenses
14.07.050 Selection of textbooks
14.07.057 Transmittal of textbook selections
14.08.111 Duties
14.14.110 Cooperation with other districts
14.18.060 Discrimination in textbooks and instructional materials prohibited
4 AAC 06.550 Review of instructional materials
4 AAC 06.600 Definitions
Revision Date: 6/25/03