Curriculum Development and Evaluation
AR 6141.00
- Philosophy
The ASSOCIATION and the KGBSD feel that the professional knowledge of teachers is necessary, beneficial, and desirable in the development of effective curriculum. - Procedure
- Teachers will be involved in the development of curriculum at both the building level and District level.
- Whenever District-wide curriculum committees are formed, the Central Office administrator responsible for curriculum supervision and development shall request the staff of each building to select a representative, who has expertise in the curriculum area, to serve on the committee. The DISTRICT may supplement the committee with representatives from among other administrative personnel, parents, Board members, or members of the community not to exceed 50% of the total committee membership.
- The chair of the curriculum committee will send copies of the curriculum committees' final reports to the ASSOCIATION.
- Teachers will be involved in the development of curriculum at both the building level and District level.
- The ASSOCIATION will select teacher representatives to serve on inservice committees whose responsibility will be to recommend the content and schedules of teacher inservice sessions.
- It is understood that final decisions concerning the development of educational programs are the sole responsibility of the SCHOOL BOARD.
- KGBSD has established the following curriculum review cycle with each curricular area being reviewed at least once every six years. Should alternations to the curriculum review cycle become necessary, the Central office administrator responsible for curriculum supervision and development will provide supporting evidence to the Superintendent. Any changes and supporting evidence will be reported to the Board of Education by the Superintendent and filed in the Curriculum Office.
KGBSD Curriculum Review Cycle
2022-2023 | Health, PE, Swimming |
2023-2024 | Social Studies, Art, Music |
2024-2025 | Vocational Education |
2025-2026 | Science |
2026-2027 | English- Language Arts |
2027-2028 | Math, Library, World Languages |
Adoption Date: 11/10/06
Revision Date: 1/14/2015
Revision Date: 4/19/2021
Revision Date: 8/25/2022