AR 6145.21
The district is committed to providing students, coaches and spectators a sportsmanlike environment.
Sportsmanship involves:
- Taking a loss or defeat without complaint.
- Taking victory without gloating.
- Treating opponents with fairness, courtesy and respect.
The following persons are expected to be role models demonstrating sportsmanship at all times and respecting the integrity and judgment of sports officials:
- Principals and administrative staff.
- Athletic and band directors.
- Coaches, players and cheerleaders.
- Faculty members.
- Parents/guardians and spectators.
The following behavior is unacceptable at all school contests:
- Berating an opponent's school or mascot.
- Berating opposing players.
- Obscene cheers or gestures.
- Negative signs.
- Painted faces.
- Use of noisemakers.
- Words or gestures of complaint about officials' calls.
Game programs and the announcers shall explain and promote sportsmanship expectations.
Prior to the contest, each principal shall emphasize the importance of sportsmanlike behavior to coaches, players, cheerleaders and spectators in rallies, team meetings, faculty meetings, spirit club meetings, school bulletins and/or public address announcements. At least one day before the contest, the principals or designees of competing schools shall discuss the upcoming event and strategies to promote a sportsmanlike environment for the contest.
The principal or designee from each participating school shall:
- Meet with the site manager 30 minutes before game time and establish where he/she will be throughout the event.
- Enforce the highest standards of sportsmanship within his/her own student body.
- Cooperate with the principal or designee of the opponent's school whenever any violations of sportsmanship occur.
Disciplinary Measures Governing Coaches and Student Athletes
- If any athlete physically assaults a coach, game official or school official at or during an athletic contest, the athlete will be suspended from athletics for one calendar year from the date of the infraction.
- If any athlete actively competing in an athletic contest is involved in an altercation or is ejected from the contest as a result of that altercation, the athlete will be suspended from the next contest. An altercation is any action outside of the normal conduct of an athletic contest by which a student athlete causes or attempts to cause physical injury to another or which, in the judgment of a school or game official, could lead to another person's physical injury.
- If any athlete leaves the bench/sidelines to go on the playing area during an altercation and, in the judgment of school officials, engages in behavior which serves to perpetuate the altercation, the athlete will be suspended from the next contest. Any athlete who willfully defies the order of a game or school official to remain in the bench/sidelines area during an altercation will be suspended from the next contest.
- If a coach in any sport is removed from the game by an official, the coach will be suspended from coaching the next contest, subject to application of due process procedures.
- If a coach in any sport is removed from the game by an official, the coach will be suspended from coaching the next contest, subject to application of due process procedures.
(cf. Coach’s Handbook)
(cf. Discipline policy)
Adoption Date: 10/13/99