Evaluation of the Superintendent
BP 2123.00
The Board believes that an annual evaluation of the Superintendent's performance strengthens working relationships between the Superintendent and the Board. The evaluation process should clarify the Superintendent's role and give the Board and Superintendent an opportunity to jointly identify immediate priorities among the Superintendent's many responsibilities. Evaluations also should help the Board to monitor progress toward established goals and to set reasonable criteria for salary increases and/or contract extension.
The Board shall meet with the Superintendent annually, by the first half of December or as appropriate to begin the evaluation process as outlined in the evaluation instrument, including commendations in areas of strength and recommendations for improving effectiveness. The evaluation shall be completed no later than February 15th of each school year. The Superintendent and Board members shall agree upon and sign an evaluation summary. Additional formal or informal evaluations may be arranged at any time during the school year at the request of either the Board or the Superintendent.
As part of the evaluation process, the Superintendent will also be provided an opportunity to evaluate his or her relationship with the Board and have the ability to make comments or suggestions or both regarding how that relationship may be improved.
(cf. 2121 - Superintendent's Contract)
The evaluation process shall be reviewed annually to determine whether any of the following steps need improvement:
1. Developing or reviewing/revising the Superintendent's job description.
2. Adopting or reviewing/revising evaluation policy.
3. Establishing clear criteria to include progress on district goals.
4. Establishing or reviewing/revising the evaluation process.
5. Carrying out the evaluation.
6. Summarizing the results.
7. Discussing the results with the Superintendent.
8. Developing a plan for growth and improvement.
(cf. 9321 - Executive Sessions)
Revision Date: 5/9/07
Reviewed 1/4/23