School-Sponsored Trips

AR 6153.00


General Guidelines

These are considered as minimum requirements. The principal and or superintendent may add additional requirements depending on the nature, location and extent of the proposed trip and the age, nature and experience of the sponsors, staff and students and operators.

Students must have written parental/guardian permission in order to participate in trips requiring transportation. The district shall provide an alternative educational experience for students whose parents/guardians do not wish them to participate in a trip.

Safety and First Aid

  1. While conducting a trip, the teacher, employee or agent of the school shall have the school's first aid kit in his/her possession or immediately available.

  2. Before trips of more than one day, the principal or designee shall hold a     meeting for chaperones, parents/guardians and students to discuss safety and the importance of safety related rules and procedures for the trip.


  1. Students on approved trips are under the jurisdiction of the Board and subject to school rules and regulations.

  2. Students must be supervised by a certified District teacher or other person approved by District administration.

  3. All participants in the field trip must be either current students in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District (KGBSD), KGBSD employees, or adults subject to the chaperone/volunteer requirements. Children who are not part of the group participating in the trip may not accompany parents when the parents serve as chaperones.

  4. Student time out of other instructional programs shall be kept to a minimum. Students traveling must maintain their overall educational program and are responsible for making up assigned work in classes missed.

  5. No student may be denied participation, for financial reasons, in a school-sponsored field trip that is integral to the curriculum and the instructional program.

  6. Students shall be expected to follow conduct rules that apply in school or during school–related activities. Students who violate these rules during a field trip are subject to regular discipline, including, but not limited to being sent home with a chaperone, if required, at parent expense.

  7. Whenever practical, chaperones accompanying students on trips that involve overnight travel shall be of the same sex as the students participating.

  8. Administrators have the authority to exclude the participation of students whose documented behavioral history suggests the possibility that they may endanger themselves or others; or cause a substantial disruption while on a field trip. However,   due consideration must be given to   SECTION 504 and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) where applicable.

  9. Pursuant to Section 504 and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students with disabilities shall not be excluded from field trips because of       transportation arrangements.

  10. Teachers or other certificated personnel shall accompany students on all trips and shall assume responsibility for their proper conduct.   

  11. Before the trip, teachers shall provide any adult chaperones who may accompany the students with clear information regarding their responsibilities.

  12. Chaperones shall be a responsible adult. At the high school level, chaperones shall be 21 years or older.

  13. Chaperones shall be assigned a prescribed group of students and shall be responsible for the continuous monitoring of these students' activities.

  14. Teachers and chaperones shall not consume alcoholic beverages or use controlled substances while accompanying and supervising students on a trip.

  15. When a trip is made to a place of business or industry, the teacher shall arrange for an employee of the host company to serve as conductor.

  16. Chaperones shall have background checks completed and filed with the Human Resources Department prior to accompanying students on any overnight trip.

In advance of study trips, teachers shall determine educational objectives which relate directly to the curriculum. Principals shall ensure that teachers develop plans which provide for the best use of students' learning time while on the trip. Teachers also shall provide appropriate instruction before and after the trips.

Waiver of District Liability

Students and their families are expected to have adequate health insurance to cover the costs of accidents or injuries that may occur during field trips. Each participating student must submit a waiver of liability signed by the parent(s) or guardian(s).

Each participating chaperone or parent volunteer must sign a waiver of liability. These waivers must be reviewed and approved by the principal and secured and on file in the school office prior to the trip.


During all extended field trips (more than one night), chaperones of the same sex must accompany students. An exception to this provision must have the approval of the Superintendent.

  1. A proposal for the number of chaperones and funding sources for classroom substitutes must be submitted with the field trip request. For extended field trips, a recommended ratio is one chaperone to every eight students.

  2. School employees must have approval from their building administrator to chaperone field trips if they will be absent from their assignment.

  3. Chaperones will be informed in writing of the drug-free workplace regulations which govern all District-sponsored activities. Chaperones are expected to refrain from using tobacco and consuming alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs while on the extended field trip.

  4. Chaperones must stay with the group for the duration of the trip from departure through return. Exceptions may be made by the Superintendent.

  5. All chaperones are required to undergo a criminal background check.

Trips Not Sponsored by District

When a trip involves both a school-sponsored element and an adjoining community element, staff members are permitted to coordinate these joint ventures with the use of appropriate school time and equipment.

Field Trips of One Day or Less

Field trips lasting one day or less are the responsibility of the principal and staff who will establish and use procedures to plan, conduct and evaluate field trips consistent with adopted curriculum.

Extended Field Trips (In-State)

Field trips lasting two or more days and involving overnight accommodations are the responsibility of the principal and staff.

In-state activities trips that comply with established schedules shall conform to the guidelines in the applicable activities handbook, and a list of such trips shall be filed by the coach, athletic director, advisor or sponsor with the principal.

Adoption Date: 10/13/99
Revised: 8/13/2014 


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