Security of Internet System
AR 6161.40
System security will be protected through the use of passwords based upon district security standards. Failure to adequately protect or update passwords could result in unauthorized access to personal or district files. To protect the integrity of the system, the following guidelines shall be followed:
- Employees and students shall not reveal their passwords to another individual.
- Users are not to use a computer that has been logged in under another student’s or teacher’s name.
- Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problematic incidents may be denied access to the computers and network on the following terms.
- First offense may result in a 2 week suspension.
- Second offense may result in a 9 week suspension.
- Third offense may result in a year long suspension.
- An offense which threatens the safety or welfare of others or jeopardizes the network system may result in immediate suspension from all computer activities for a period of time determined by the District Superintendent.
To the greatest extent possible, users of the network will be protected from harassment or unwanted or unsolicited communication. Any network user who receives threatening or unwelcome communications shall immediately bring them to the attention of a teacher or administrator. A network user who engages in harassment or unwanted or unsolicited communication may be denied access to the computers and network on the following terms:
- First offense may result in a 2 week suspension.
- Second offense may result in a 9 week suspension.
- Third offense may result in a year long suspension.
- An offense which threatens the safety or welfare of others or jeopardizes the network system may result in immediate suspension from all computer activities for a period of time determined by the District Superintendent.
Network users shall not reveal personal addresses or telephone numbers to other users on the network.
Written complaints regarding student and/or staff access to or use of specific resources available on the Internet will be received, reviewed and acted upon in accordance with the district’s policy on challenged instructional materials.
Revision Date: 7/9/08