Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies (Personal Property)

AR 3270.00



Disposal of School Property

A principal or other administrator determines if books, equipment or supplies are obsolete. If they are to be disposed of they will be stored in the District's designated area.

1.      Books for disposal - Books to be disposed of will be sold, given away, or destroyed by a person so designated by the Superintendent.

2.      Inventories - The business manager will set procedures to inventory the equipment and supplies each year.  Inventories will be circulated among the schools and offices so that items can be shared throughout the district. 

3.      Pre-sale Property Inventory - consultation with knowledgeable people, shall prepare a final inventory listing an adequate description and estimated sales price.  This list will be forwarded to the Superintendent for concurrence.  The Board will approve the items to be disposed of prior to the sale or auction.

4.      Sales - The business manager will conduct a sale of those items valued less than $1,000. Adequate advertising must be done to notify the public of the sale.  Good internal control must be exercised on the receipt of monies.

5.      Sealed Bid Actions - The business manager will conduct a sealed bid auction for those items valued over $1,000.  Notification of the bid must be advertised for at least two weeks.  Minimum bids can be required.  The bids must be opened in public and awarded to the highest bidder.  Good internal control must be exercised over the cash receipts. 

6.      Sale of Technology – The Superintendent or designee will set procedures for the sale and disposal of district technology that is depreciated and/or obsolete.  Item values will be determined in consultation with the district IT department. The sale will be administered by the Superintndent or designee. (See Exhibit 3270.1)

7.      Reports of School Sales and Auction - A report of the sale will be prepared for the Superintendent and Board. 


Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date:     9/28/2016


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