Energy Conservation

AR 3511.00


District and site plans to conserve resources shall address energy use in all operations, including: 

1.      Educational programs for employees and students.

2.      Classroom and building management and maintenance.

3.      Food services and equipment maintenance.

4.      Transportation services and maintenance.

5.      New construction. 

6.      Administrative operations.

7.      Use of facilities by outside groups.

8.      Reduced energy use or shutting down of facilities during vacation periods.


The plan shall establish specific energy use reduction goals for each school and for other district facilities.

To enlist the support which is essential to the success of the resources management plan, principals and supervisors shall:

1.      Solicit comments related to district energy use.

2.      Expect students and staff to cooperate in all conservation efforts.

3.      Give recognition to those who reduce energy use.



Adoption Date:  10/13/99


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