Individualized Education Program

BP 6159.00


Students with disabilities shall be placed, to the maximum extent appropriate, in the least restrictive environment which meets their needs.  The Board provides a full range of educational alternatives to facilitate this placement so that these students may interact with students without disabilities in an understanding, cooperative and mutually respectful environment.  Students shall be placed outside of the regular classroom only when the student’s specific needs cannot be met in that setting.

Upon the identification of a student’s disabilities and determination the student is eligible, the Superintendent or designee shall appoint an individualized education program (IEP) team.  This team shall consider the student’s needs, determine the content of his/her IEP, make placement decisions, and determine whether alternative assessments and curricular offerings are necessary and appropriate.  An IEP must be completed within 30 days after a student is determined eligible for services.  Students and parents/guardians shall have the right to participate in the development of the IEP in accordance with law.

(cf. 6164.4 – Identification of Individuals for Special Education)

Note:  IEP teams should be aware of Sacramento City School District v. Rachel H. in which it was determined that when addressing the issue of appropriate placement for a child with disabilities under federal law, the court may balance the following factors:  (1) the educational benefits of placement full-time in a regular class; (2) the nonacademic benefits of such a placement; (3) the student’s effect on the teacher and children in the regular class; and (4) the costs of mainstreaming the student.


Note: The IEP team shall consider the factors specified in law and administrative regulation, as well as the educational and nonacademic benefits of placing the student in a regular class.  The IEP team shall determine what support services would be needed in order to maintain this placement.  All placement decisions should promote maximum social interaction between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers, in a manner that is appropriate to the needs of each.

Each IEP shall be consistent, to the maximum extent appropriate, with the curriculum and course of study pursued in the regular education program.  Students with disabilities should also receive instruction which fosters their independence and integration into the community.

(cf. 6143 – Courses of Study)

Note:  The following paragraphs reflects due process rights provided in AS 14.30.191 - .195.

Students and parents/guardians must consent in writing to the student’s placement in a special education program, and written parental consent shall be obtained before any such placement is made. Once an IEP team has been determined an appropriate placement with the parent/guardian’s approval, that placement remains in effect unless the parties agree otherwise or a due process hearing officer so orders.

(cf. 1312.3 – Public Complaints Concerning Discrimination of Exceptional Children)
(cf. 3541.2 – Transportation)
(cf. 5144.2 – Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process (Individuals with Exceptional Needs))
(cf. 6146.5 – Different Graduation and Competency Standards for Individuals with Exceptional Needs)

Legal Reference:

14.30.180 - .350 Education for Exceptional Children

1232g Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

20 USC § 1400 – 1487 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004

34 CFR 300.1 – 300.756 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Sacramento City School District v. Rachel H, 14 F.3d 1398 (9th Cr. 1994)



Adoption Date:  7/23/08


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