Visits to the Schools
BP 1260.00
The School Board encourages parents/guardians and interested members of the community to visit the schools and to learn about, observe, or partner in educational and extracurricular programs. The Superintendent or their designee shall invite parents/guardians and the community to open house activities, specific volunteer roles, and other special events. Announcements of these events shall have wide dissemination in the community.
(cf. 1110 – Media Relations)
Visitors are expected to demonstrate the highest standard of conduct and courtesy to help create positive learning environments and to comply with all policies within the school.
The Superintendent or their designee shall establish procedures to facilitate visits during regular school days and register all visitors at the school office when entering school grounds. Procedures for school visits will be posted readily in locations such as the district website and in parent newsletters.
(cf. 0411 – Service Animals)
The Board recognizes the staff time and commitment required for school visits and encourages the staff to develop practices to support community participation and to accommodate as many requests for visits as possible. To ensure minimum interruption of the instructional program, visits during school hours should be first arranged with the teacher and principal or designee. If a conference is desired, an appointment should be set with the teacher during noninstructional time.
(cf. 3515 – School Safety and Security)
(cf. 3515.2 – Intruders on Campus)
Adoption Date: 10/13/99
Revision Date: 4/10/2024