Health Examinations

AR 4112.40


Health Examinations


  1. Form Provided – A form for the medical report prescribed by the Department of Education is available from the Human Resources Department or from the school district website under the Human Resources link.

  2. Return of Form to District – The completed medical form shall be returned to the school district to the attention of the Director of Human Resources.

  3. Application for Reimbursement – The employee shall be responsible for turning in receipts that indicate the portion paid by the employee.

  4. Recording – The Director of Human Resources will record the amount of reimbursement allowed, based on the receipts and completed medical form.

  5. Payment – Once authorized by the Director of Human Resources, reimbursement will be paid to the employee through the regular claims procedure.

  6. Re-employment – A new physical form will be required of re-hired employees only if three (3) years has passed since the most recent physical form was filed with the district.


Adoption Date: 10/13/99
Revision Date: 10/12/2011
