Vocational Education
AR 6178.00
Handicapped and Disadvantaged Students
Vocational programs and activities for handicapped persons shall be provided in the least restrictive environment and planned in coordination with appropriate representatives of vocational education and special education staffs. (Public Law 98-524, 204)
By the beginning of the ninth grade, information shall be provided to handicapped and disadvantaged students and to their parents/guardians concerning the opportunities available in vocational education programs and the requirements for eligibility to enroll. (Public Law 98-524, 204)
Individual student records shall identify the category of disadvantage or handicap which warrants any special services which are provided. Each handicapped or disadvantaged student who enrolls in a vocational education program shall receive:
- Assessment of his/her interests, abilities and special needs with respect to successfully completing the vocational education program.
- Special services designed to meet identified needs, including adaptation of curriculum, instructional equipment and facilities.
- Guidance, counseling and career development activities conducted by appropriately trained counselors.
- Counseling services designed to facilitate the transition from school to post-school employment/career opportunities. (Public Law 98-524, 204)
(cf. 5147 - Dropout Prevention)
When receiving funds through the federal Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act, Title II, Part A Basic Grant, the district shall give priority to sites or programs that serve the highest concentrations of persons who are members of special populations.
Note: Federal regulations implementing Title VI require the notification below to be made by districts that receive federal funds and offer vocational education programs. (Federal Register, Vol. 45, No. 92, p. 30929) |
Before the beginning of each school year, the district shall publicly announce that its vocational programs and courses will be offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex or handicap. This announcement shall be made through media that reach the general public, minorities, women and handicapped persons and shall include a brief summary of program offerings and admission criteria, as well as the name, address and telephone number of the district's nondiscrimination coordinator. If the district contains a community of national origin minority persons with limited English skills, the announcement will be disseminated to that community in its language and state that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in vocational education programs.
Adoption Date: 10/13/99