Board Policies

BP 9311.00


Note:  Pursuant to A.S. 14.14.100, policies relating to the management and control of the district must be expressed in written bylaws formally adopted at regular Board meetings. 

The School Board recognizes that its most important function is to establish policies which communicate its direction for the management and control of the schools.  Policies are written statements adopted by the Board which communicate the guidelines and limits within which the Superintendent or designee and staff may take discretionary action. The policy manual in its entirety may also be accessed on the school website.

(cf. 2210 - Administrative Leeway in Absence of Board Policy)

The Board encourages members of the community to contribute information and opinions for the Board's consideration and propose revisions to policy.

The adoption of policy shall conform with Board bylaws governing agenda, meetings, and voting.  Only those written statements adopted and recorded in the minutes shall constitute official Board policy.

Prior to adoption, policies shall normally be given two readings by the Board.  At its second reading, the policy may be adopted by a majority vote of all members of the Board. Readings may involve reading the title and a summary, if any.  If a policy is passed unanimously by the Board and it is unlikely that the policy change will generate public interest or debate, the Board Chair may waive the second reading, provided a majority of the Board Members do not object.  The  Board Chair, or a majority of the Board, may require additional readings following the second should it be in the public’s best interest.

In addition to presenting drafts or suggestions for new policy and policy revisions when changes in law occur or when a specific need arises, the Superintendent or designee, shall maintain procedures for the continuous orderly review of existing policies at a time allocated for this purpose on the agenda of regular Board meetings.  When policies are amended, the Superintendent or designee shall review corresponding administrative regulations to ensure that they conform to the intent of the revised policy.

When drafting or revising Board policies which affect other governmental agencies or areas of common interest, the Superintendent or designee shall seek input from these agencies and shall express the Board's desire to cooperate with them in addressing matters of mutual concern.

(cf.  1020 - Youth Services)

Legal Reference:

14.14.100  Bylaws and administrative rules

Revision Date:  2/4/09