Evaluation / Supervison

AR 4115.00


Appraisal of certificated personnel shall serve the following purposes: 

1.      Aid the employee in professional growth.

2.      Raise the standard of the teaching profession.

3.      Improve the quality of educational services.

The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District developed the current teacher evaluation process with the input of teachers serving on a district-wide committee; gathered during full staff round tables at each building site; and a year-long pilot program involving staff from each building. 

The teacher evaluation tool is included in Exhibit (E) 4115.

AS 14.20.149 provides for an opportunity for students, parents, community members, teachers, and administrators to provide information on the performance of the teacher or administrator who is the subject of the evaluation to the evaluating administrator. Forms for parent and community evaluation of teacher performance are included in E 4115.


Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date: 8/24/2014
