Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities

BP 6145.00


The School Board recognizes that extracurricular and cocurricular activities enrich the educational and social development and experiences of students and shall annually adopt a plan for student participation in extra/cocurricular activities which does not compromise the integrity and purpose of the educational program.

Students involved in extracurricular activities and cocurricular activities may be held to a higher academic and citizenship standard than the general student body.

(cf. 6153 - School-sponsored Trips)

Eligibility Requirements

The Superintendent shall direct the administration of the middle school and the high school to reduce to writing the eligibility requirements for participation in extra/cocurricular activities.  These requirements are to be widely distributed to all students in grades 7 through 12.

The Superintendent or designee may revoke a student’s eligibility for participation in extra/cocurricular activities when a student’s poor citizenship is serious enough to warrant loss of this privilege.

(cf. 5144 – Discipline)
(cf.  AR 5131 - Code of Conduct)
(cf. 6145.2 - Interscholastic Competition)

In order to participate in extra/cocurricular activities, students in grades 7 through 12 must demonstrate satisfactory educational progress in meeting the requirements for graduation.

(cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements)

The Superintendent or designee may exempt from eligibility requirements extra/cocurricular activities or programs which are offered primarily for the student's academic or educational achievement.

To encourage and support academic excellence, the School Board requires students in grades 7 through 12 to earn a minimum 2.0 or "C" grade point average on a 4.0 scale in order to participate in extra/cocurricular activities.

Students with any "F" grades do not meet eligibility requirements.

The School Board desires to balance the academic needs of students with the benefits they receive from participating in school activities.  The Superintendent or designee may grant ineligible students a probation period, in which the student may continue to participate, of not more than one semester.  In implementing this policy, the Superintendent or designee shall help ineligible students regain eligibility.

 The Superintendent or designee may revoke a student's eligibility for participation in extra/cocurricular activities when a student's poor citizenship is serious enough to warrant loss of this privilege.

The Superintendent or designee shall facilitate the opportunity for transitioning military children’s participation in extracurricular and cocurricular activities, regardless of application deadlines, to the extent they are otherwise qualified.                           

(cf. 5119 – Children of Military Families)

Participation By Students Enrolled in Alternative Education Programs

Note:  Effective July 1, 2013, a high school student who is enrolled full-time in an alternative education program located in the state is eligible to participate in extracurricular activities in the student’s district of residence if the student’s alternative program does not offer interscholastic activities.  The student is required to meet the same eligibility criteria for participation as district students and must provide documentation, including transcripts, proof of full-time enrollment, applicable disciplinary records, and medical records, if required for participation in the activity.   The student must claim the same school for interscholastic purposes during a school year. An alternative program is “located in the state” if the program is accessed by a student located in the state and all instructional hours take place at a site in the state.         AS 14.30.365.


The School Board welcomes the participation in extracurricular activities of eligible students who are enrolled full time in alternative education programs.  Participation is available to those students who would be permitted to enroll in the district based on the residency of the student’s parent or legal guardian.  Students must meet the same eligibility requirements for participation in the activity as district students, and must provide all documentation required to confirm eligibility.  Participation is available in those interscholastic activities sanctioned by the Alaska School Activities Association that occur outside the regular curriculum.  Participation is not available in student government at a school. 

The alternative education program in which a student is enrolled must be located in the state and must be a public secondary school that provides a nontraditional education program, including the Alaska Military Youth Academy; a public vocational, remedial, or theme-based program; an accredited home school program; a charter school; or a statewide correspondence school.

Note:  A student wanting to participate in activities but whose parent or legal guardian is not a resident of the district may still request participation.  A student meeting all other requirements will be eligible if the Board approves participation based on good cause demonstrated by the student.  AS 14.30.365.  Good cause is not defined in this statute.  Decisions on eligibility should be made by the Board on a case-by-case basis, considering all applicable circumstances.  Such determinations should be evenly applied to students in similar situations.    

The Board recognizes that good cause may exist for a student to participate in district extracurricular activities even if the student’s parent or guardian does not reside within the district.  Students who attend an alternative education program full time and who otherwise meet the eligibility requirements for the extracurricular activity(ies) may apply to the district for participation despite the lack of residency.  Such a request must be submitted to the superintendent or designee with a written explanation of the good cause that exists.  Eligibility in this situation must be approved by the Board.  Unless the parent or eligible student’s presence is requested at a meeting of the Board, the Board’s decision will be based upon the written request submitted, including any recommendation by the superintendent or designee.  Board approval will be effective for the school year in which the student applies and may be renewed annually if the good cause continues to exist.

Legal Reference:

14.30.010 Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

14.30.365 Interscholastic activities; eligibility

4 AAC 06.520  Recreational and athletic activities

4 AAC 06.600  Definitions

Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date: 10/09/2013
Revision Date: 6/11/2014
