Employee Notice - Protection for Whistleblowers

E 4030.00

Employee Notice
Protection for Whistleblowers


Any employee of the school district may in good faith report to a public official or a public body or testify before a public body about a matter of public concern.

A matter of public concern means a violation of federal, state, or local law (including School Board policy), a danger to public health or safety, gross management (including a substantial waste of funds or clear abuse of authority) or matter under investigation.

A report may not disclose any information which is legally required to be kept confidential.

An employee initiating a report must first submit the report to the employee's immediate supervisor unless the employee reasonably believes:  it would be futile to report to the supervisor, an emergency exists, or that reprisals or discrimination would result.

Employee protections and obligations regarding reports on matters of public concern are fully stated in Alaska Statute 39.90.100-150.


Adoption Date:  10/13/99


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