Classified Employees Salary

AR 4251.00


1.        Compensation – The salaries of district-wide classified personnel shall  be determined by the Superintendent or by negotiated agreement, ratified by the Board of Education.

2.        Salary Placement – Under normal conditions all new employees shall be hired at the first step on the schedule for the classification involved.

3.        Initial Placement on Salary Schedule – Initial placement on the salary schedule will be assigned by the central office.  This placement will be presumed correct unless objection is made within sixty (60) days of the employee’s notification thereof.

4.        Advancement on Salary Schedule – Advancement for years of service is granted as stated in the negotiated agreement.

5.        Substitutes – Substitutes may be provided day-by-day for classified employees who are temporarily absent.  Long-term substitutes for classified positions, those serving in a given assignment for more than 20 consecutive days, shall be given regular salary schedule placement on the relevant salary schedule. Substitutes for classified employees will be paid $120 for a full day of work.  

Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date: 08/11/2010
Revision Date: 2/21/2020

Revision Date: 9/14/2022


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