Indian Policies and Procedures
AR 6174.10
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District’s goal under the Indian Policies and Procedures [IPP] is to ensure that all American Indian children of school age have equal access to all programs, services, and activities provided by the school district.
The District will establish policies and procedures to ensure that children residing on Indian lands participate in programs and activities supported by impact aid funds on an equal basis with all other children. Parents of these children will be afforded an opportunity to present their views on these programs and activities, including the opportunity to make recommendations on the needs of those children and how the District may help these children realize the benefits of these programs and activities. Parents and Indian Tribes will be consulted and involved in the planning and development of these programs and activities and the relevant applications, evaluations, and program plans will be disseminated to the parents and the Indian Tribe.
It is the intent of the District to fully comply with all requirements of Title VIII (Impact Aid Program) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (formerly Public Law 81-874, amended 8/2/02), and to that end, the Governing Board has adopted as policy these Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs). The IPPs by intent and by Board action supersede all previous Board action and are intended to bind the Governing Board, administration, and staff of the District.
Tribal officials and parents of Indian children shall be provided an opportunity to comment on the participation of Indian children on an equal basis with non Indian children in all education programs and activities offered by the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District. [34 CFR 222.94 (a)(1)]
The School District Superintendent and/or designee will meet annually with Tribal officials, parents of Indian children, Indian Education Parent Committee members and staff. The purpose of these meetings shall be to inform and to address comments and concerns regarding Indian children's equal participation in the educational programs of the District.
Adequate time for the annual meeting will be made given the Impact Aid application due date. Planning and notifications should be made well ahead of time. The following public meetings may need to be scheduled.
- An IPP planning meeting will be organized.
- The IPP meeting will be held.
- IPP committee will meet and review for recommendations to the Board of Education (may be the same meeting as 2.)
- Board of Education will meet to review recommendations and approve Impact Aid application.
The District will annually assess the extent to which Indian students are participating on an equal basis with non-Indian children in the educational programs and activities of the District. [34 CFR 222.94(a)(2)]
The IPP Committee will review school data and comments regarding the assessment and extent of Indian student’s participation and progress in the educational programs and services of the District.
The District shall seek input from the IPP Committee and if necessary, modify its educational programs and services to ensure equal participation for Indian students. [34 CFR 222.94(a)(3)]
When assessment data indicate Indian students do not participate on an equal basis with non-Indian students, or make appropriate progress, the Parent Committee and/or the IPP Committee will be asked to recommend a plan or suggestions to modify the educational programs or services in order to attain equal participation or appropriate progress. Recommendations will be presented to the District Board for action.
The following materials will be disseminated annually to Tribal officials [Native Community Leaders] and the parents of Indian students via the district website and/or print:
- Title VIII Application [Impact Aid]
- Evaluation of programs assisted with Title VIII funds
- Program plans and information related to the education programs of the District
- Assessment data for Indian students and non-Indian students in the District
At least 30 days will be provided to Tribal officials and/or Parent Committees and/or the IPP Committee and Indian parents to present comments and recommendations regarding the disseminated documents and ways in which the District may help those children realize the benefits of the District’s education programs and activities. [34 CFR 222.94(a)(4)]
The Impact Aid application contains home addresses, and names. That information will be available for review but will not be distributed.
The Title VIII application will be sent to Tribal officials and a summary prepared for all Indian parents in conjunction with the annual Title VIII public hearing.
Review of new or continuing programs is an on-going process of the Board of Education. Agendas will be regularly forwarded to Tribal officials. An annual summary will be provided at the annual Title VIII public hearing.
Additional information is available upon request.
An annual Board of Education meeting will be held for the discussion of the disseminated material and IPP’s recommendations as part of a regular Board of Education agenda. Tribal officials and Indian parents and staff will be notified at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Notice will be posted in the District office, School Offices, and will be sent to the Tribal Councils (and Education Centers) for posting.
The District shall solicit information from Tribal officials and parents of Indian students on Indian views, including those regarding the frequency, location, and time of meetings. [34 CFR 222.94(a)(5)]
At any Board meeting members of the Indian or Native community will be afforded the opportunity to discuss their views, including any suggestion they may have regarding the times, locations, and frequency of regularly scheduled meetings.
Members of the Indian/Native community may also submit their comments or suggestions in the following ways:
- At any of the schools in the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meetings
- At the annual public hearing on Title VIII (Impact Aid)
- To the principal of the school at a scheduled time
- To the superintendent and/or designee at a scheduled time
- To the officers of the PTA or IPP Committee (to be forwarded to the appropriate administrators and Board of Education)
The District shall notify Tribal officials [Native community organizations] and Indian parents of the locations and times of meetings.
Tribal officials, parents of Indian students, the Indian Education Parent Committee and other staff will be notified as to the location and times of meetings. Notice will be posted in the District office, at school offices, and will also be sent to the Tribal Council, and Native Tribal Offices.
The District shall actively consult and regularly involve the IPP Committee, as well as interested Tribal officials and Indian parents, in the planning and development of the District’s educational programs and activities. [34 CFR 222.94(a)(7)]
The Title VIII application will be made available for review by the IPP Committee and other interested members of the Indian community prior to the annual public meeting with sufficient time to adequately review the materials prior to the meeting.
The IPP Committee and interested Indian parents and Tribal officials will review assessment data to develop or modify educational programs or services to ensure participation of Indian students on an equal basis. These findings and recommendations will be presented to the Board of Education at least annually.
Members of the Indian community, Tribal officials, members of the Parent Committee and/or IPP Committee and staff will be notified of modifications to programs or services as stipulated in Procedure 4.1.
The District shall provide specific procedures for assessing the effectiveness of the Indian community input regarding the participation of Indian children in the District's education programs and activities and the development and implementation of the IPPs, and for modifying the District's IPPs based on this input. [34 CFR (a)(8) and (b), if necessary.
The IPP Committee and District staff will review parent and student input and surveys prior to the preparation of the Title VIII Impact Aid program grant. Information regarding this input will be discussed at the public hearing for the new Title VIII grant and/or at the annual public hearing regarding Title VIII Impact Aid.
Adopted: 5/09/2012