AIDS Instruction

BP 6142.20


The School Board recognizes that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) poses a public health crisis.  At the present time, society's most effective weapon against the spread of this deadly disease is public education.

In the course of living their daily lives, our students will come into contact with people who have AIDS.  Therefore the district's health education program will include factual information about AIDS and how the disease is transmitted.  Students must be told what voluntary behaviors result in infection and also be motivated to prevent infection by making wise decisions in their daily lives.

Instruction must be appropriate to the grade level of the students receiving it.  The Board particularly desires that students receive proper AIDS education before they reach the age when they may adopt behaviors which put them at risk of contracting AIDS.

(cf. 6142.1 - Family Life/Sex Education)
(cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Design)

Before students receive AIDS instruction, parents/guardians shall be notified.  Alternative study arrangements may be made for students whose parents/guardians ask that they not receive instruction.

(cf. 1312.2 - Complaints concerning Instructional Material)
(cf. 5141.23 - Infectious Disease Prevention)
(cf. 6142.1 - Family Life/Sex Education)

Legal Reference:
14.30.360  Curriculum

Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date: 10/12/2011
