Use of School Facilities

AR 1330.00


Facility Use Restrictions

Note:  The Superintendent is authorized to waive any fees as appropriate, determined by organization and purpose of activity.


1.      Priority for Facility and Equipment Use - The order of priority for use of school facilities shall be as follows:

Reservations for dates will be set during a meeting of the interested user groups in the spring of the previous school year.  Preference in reserving dates will be given to community and school events according to seniority (how many years a particular event has been taking place in the auditorium), after which the following guidelines will apply:

1st     Conduct of the district's complete educational program.
2nd    Programs wholly or primarily for school-age youth.
3rd    Educational, cultural or recreation programs sponsored by non-profit community service agencies.
4th     Programs or events sponsored by other community organizations.
5th     Activities sponsored by private individuals or organizations.

The Superintendent or designee retains the authority to override priority in scheduling when deemed appropriate.

2.      Application - The application process for facilities and equipment usage is as follows:
a.       An application for use or rental of school facilities and/or equipment shall be made by the applicant in sufficient time to allow the program administrator (the building principal or his or her designee) to make the necessary arrangements, and to determine that it does not conflict with other use of the facility.  This application must be submitted in writing and approved by the program administrator before access shall be granted.
b.      Organizations that schedule multiple or series events may make a blanket agreement with the district that allows changes or additions to their schedule to be approved verbally by the program administrator.
c.       User groups may be given the option of paying rental fees at the time of application or on a quarterly basis against actual usage.  Any deposits and/or bonds required shall be paid at the time of application.
d.      In the event of the absence of the program administrator, application for rental of facilities and/or equipment shall be submitted to the program administrator's designee.  

3.      Cancellation by District - Cancellation of any approved reservation or equipment rental agreement shall occur when that space or equipment become unavailable through acts of nature, mechanical breakdown, or building evacuation.  The program administrator shall promptly inform the user group of the situation.

4.      Revenue - Charges for facility use shall be determined by the classification of the group and their placement on the schedule of charges.
a.       Moneys generated from the rental of district facilities and/or equipment shall be deposited to a special revenue fund.  The special revenue fund shall pay for custodial, maintenance, monitor, supervision and other services; damages incurred; and electricity, when included in the rental fee.  The building principal shall request funds from this account for the repair or replacement of fixtures or equipment that are jointly utilized by school and community programs.  Approval for these expenditures shall be made jointly by the administrator and the district's business manager.
b.      All rental fees, deposits and/or bonds, and charges for services shall be paid to the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District and shall be receipted by the central business office.


5.      Classification - The classification of a group determines their priorities and charges for facility use.
a.       Group classification shall be determined by the principal or his or her designee.
b.      In the event of a user group protesting a classification the issue shall be presented to the superintendent.  It may be appealed to the school board for final judgment.
c.       In all cases the district's use policy shall be the principal factor for judgment.
d.      Group classification shall be based on a discreet and continuous timeframe for that activity.  An activity may be classified as group 1 on certain days and as group 2 on other days.
e.       Group classification shall be judged and assigned accordingly to the following:

Organizational Classifications

1.            For profit activity or community use with charges to the public or where offerings/donations are received.
2.            Community use without charges to the public.
3.            School district activity with or without fund raising.


6.      Public Dances - Dances for school-age participants in school facilities will be permitted on a space available basis under the following conditions:

a.       In addition to a representative from the school district an off-duty policeman must be secured by the user group.  Damage costs, if any, to the school facility, equipment or premises, resulting from the activity will be charged against the user group.  Such damage shall be documented in writing by the building custodian or maintenance staff and presented to the program administrator within one week of the activity.  The user group shall then reimburse the district for the amount of the damage.      
b.      Participants of dance shall not be allowed access to the building until a minimum of eight adult chaperones, the off-duty policeman, a district representative and a school custodian are on duty.
c.       Chaperones shall make frequent patrols of the lavatory areas and other open portions of the building during the event.
d.      All other rules applying to the rental and use of school facilities will also be applicable during any dance or public performance.


7.      Responsibilities - The district recognizes that its property must be protected against misuse or abuse.
a.       The principal or his or her designee is responsible for approving a district employee (or other adult approved by the principal at elementary or middle schools) to monitor the site while the user group is on the premises.  The monitor shall keep members of the user group in designated areas; monitor rest rooms, corridors, entrances and other parts of the site as directed by the principal or his or her designee; shall maintain overall good order and protect the site and contents against damage.  Monitors (except for Ketchikan High School monitors) will be paid directly by the user group on the first day of the scheduled activity.
b.      On any given day, only one user group may use a particular area of the school at one time.  However, if the first group completely vacates this area, another group may be allowed to use the same area on that same day.  Special circumstances may require an exception to this rule; however, on such occasions the second group will also be assigned a monitor and be charged accordingly.
c.       The principal or his or her designee may authorize user groups with qualified personnel to operate the school's equipment, including, but not limited to:  kitchens, theaters, computers, and audio-visual equipment.  The principal shall have the sole authority to approve the personnel's qualifications.  The principal shall have the authority to require District qualified personnel to be present.
d.      The group is responsible for paying the principal approved monitor for their services at all sites except Kayhi.  Such services will be paid as payroll to the monitor at the rate of not less than $15.00 per hour. 

8.      Blanket Agreements - The district may sign blanket agreements with the Borough's Parks & Recreation Department and the University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan campus, providing the facility use in exchange for other services.  All blanket agreements must permit the district to cancel a user group's reservation for a particular day or days when district or school programs require that space or equipment.  The principal shall notify the user group of any cancellation at least seven (7) days in advance when possible.


9.      Fees – The attached fee schedule shall be used to charge user fees, subject to the following clarifications:
a.       Custodian fees shall be charged when custodian services are required beyond the facility’s normal custodial services.  Custodian fees shall be billed in quarter hour increments for actual work if already on site.  If custodians are called out beyond their normal work hours, then the user group shall pay for a minimum of two hours of custodian fees.
b.      Maintenance fees shall be charged whenever a user group requires the services of the District’s maintenance department.  They shall be billed in quarter hour increments for actual work.  If maintenance workers are called out, then the user group shall pay for a minimum of two hours of maintenance fees.
c.       Monitors are not required during normal school hours unless security issues require hiring a monitor.
d.      User groups are to be provided with an itemized billing, including specific dates, hours, and rates.
e.       The manual genie is available for use by user groups; however, a trained district personnel must be hired for use of the "electric genie."  This fee would come under the "Technical Fees/Auditorium."
f.       Trained district personnel must be hired to set up and take down the orchestra shell in the Kayhi auditorium. This fee would come under the “Technical Fees/Auditorium.”

cf. 0410 – Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)


Note: The Superintendent is authorized to waive any fees as appropriate, determined by organization and purpose of activity.

Revision Date: 5/28/08
Revision Date: 1/14/15

Revision Date: 6/2/23
