Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
AR 6161.10
General Criteria for Selection and Evaluation
The district shall assess the educational suitability of instructional materials according to the following criteria:
- Relationship to the adopted courses of study and current curricular goals.
- Contribution to a comprehensive, balanced curriculum.
- Reliable quality of scholarship as evidenced by:
- Accurate, up-to-date and well-documented information.
- Objective presentation of diverse viewpoints.
- Clear, concise writing and appropriate vocabulary.
- Thorough treatment of subject.
- Accurate, up-to-date and well-documented information.
- Fair and balanced portrayal of people with regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex and handicap.
- Provision a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty, with appeal to students of varied interests, abilities and maturity levels.
- Inclusion of materials which stimulate discussion of contemporary issues and improve students' thinking and decision-making skills.
- Contribution to the proper articulation of instruction through grade levels.
- Quality and durability of paper, binding etc.
- Availability and quality of corresponding teacher's guides.
Whenever possible, the district shall consider at least three different textbooks before recommending one for adoption.
Library books and reference materials do not require committee recommendation or Board approval. The librarian at each school shall select these materials in consultation with the principal, department chairpersons and teachers.
(cf. 6163.1 - Libraries/Media Centers)
Conflict of Interest
Persons evaluating instructional materials for purchase by the district shall not:
- Be employed by any person, firm or organization submitting instructional material to the district.
- Have or negotiate a contractual relationship with any such person, firm or organization.
- Receive any compensation from any such person, firm or organization or any of its subsidiaries or controlling entities.
- Have an interest as a contributor, author, editor or consultant in any textbook or other instructional material submitted to the district.
- Discuss any instructional material or related proposal which has been or is likely to be submitted to the district with the person, entity or representative submitting it, except in a meeting scheduled and authorized by the Board or by the committee studying instructional materials.
Individuals formerly employed as consultants on textbooks or other materials shall not be deemed to be financially interested in the selection or evaluation of instructional materials provided they:
- Have not had a contractual relationship or received compensation for such consultant service for two years before serving on the committee, and
- Retain no rights to compensation accruing while they serve on the committee.
Persons shall not be disqualified from serving on review committees if they disclose their financial interest and the Board finds the interest remote enough to permit the individual's participation.
Adoption Date: 10/13/99