High School Graduation Requirements
BP 6146.10
High School Graduation Requirements BP 6146.1
The Superintendent or designee shall prepare for Board approval a plan consisting of district graduation requirements. Students shall receive diplomas of graduation from high school only after meeting the following district graduation requirements. Graduation Requirements - Effective Date, Graduating Class of 2026
Graduation course requirements for a high school diploma are as follows:
English-Language Arts |
4 credits |
Social Studies * |
3 credits |
Math |
3 credits |
Science |
3 credits |
Health |
.5 credits |
Physical Education |
.5 credits |
Electives |
7 credits |
Career Technical Education |
1 credit |
and/or Fine Arts |
22 credits |
Additional requirements include 100 hours or work experience or community service and completion of the State of Alaska Job Application.
* Note: The three units of credit in social studies must include one-half unit of credit in Alaska history or demonstration that the student meets the Alaska history performance standards. This requirement will not apply to a student who (1) transfers into high
school after the student’s second year of high school; or (2) has already successfully
completed a high school state history course in another state, 4 AAC -6.075. The three units in social studies must also include one unit of credit of U.S. History and one-half unit of credit in American Government/Civics.
Students in the Class of 2026 may apply to the Superintendent or Superintentendent’s Designee to waive the US History requirement due to extenuating circumstances, with the Superintendent or Designee making a determination based on the student’s unique circumstances and academic goals. If such a waiver is granted, a student must still fulfill the requirement of 3 credits of social studies and other required coursework.
(cf. 5127 - Graduation Ceremonies and Activities) (cf. 6164.2 - Guidance and Counseling Services) (cf. 6184 – Virtual/Online Courses)
Legal Reference:
4 AAC 06.075 High school graduation requirements
4 AAC 06.721 College and career readiness assessment waivers
4 AAC 06.755-790 Statewide assessment program for students with disabilities
Revision Date: 6/13/2007
Revision Date: 10/14/2015
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Revision Date: 6/12/2024