Certificated Salaries

AR 4151.00


  1. Superintendent of Schools - The salary of the Superintendent shall be set by the Board, and shall not be less than the minimum set by law.

  2. District-Wide Administrators - The salaries of district-wide administrators shall be determined by the Superintendent or by negotiated agreement, subject to approval by the Board.

  3. Initial Placement on Salary Schedule - Initial placement on the salary schedule will be assigned by central office.  This placement will be presumed correct unless objection is made within thirty (30) days of the educator's notification thereof.

  4. Advancement for Further Education - The employee must apply for the upgrading and must furnish transcripts of course work, half of which must be graduate level courses.  Application for movement for the next school year must be in to central office by March 1 of the current year. Transcripts must be furnished prior to November 15.  Exceptions to the "graduate credit" stipulation will be granted if prior permission has been obtained from the Superintendent.

  5. Salary Placement of Half-time Teachers - Teachers working on a half-time basis will advance one step on the salary schedule each year.  The contracted compensation will be in the amount of one-half of that increment.  (The teacher who has been working half-time will have the total number of years of half-time experience divided by 2 to determine proper placement on the salary schedule when he/she becomes a full-time employee.)

    If the employee has been teaching full-time and should become a half-time employee, salary schedule placement will be at the total number of years of full-time and half-time experience.  The contract will be in the amount of one-half of that step.

  6. Pay Installments - Teachers wishing to receive their salary in 10 equal installments will notify the Superintendent on or before September 12 of each school year. 

Adoption Date:  10/13/99
Revision Date:  10/12/2011



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